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Syndicates 1729 (D Dale), 2525 (D Dale), 2689 (Verto), 4242 (ICAT), 5886 (Blenheim) and 6123 (ICAT)

May 15, 2018

Syndicates 1729 (D Dale), 2525 (D Dale), 2689 (Verto), 4242 (ICAT), 5886 (Blenheim) and 6123 (ICAT)

We have received updated forecasts in respect of the 2016 year of account and initial forecasts in respect of the 2017 year of account from Asta Managing Agency Limited as follows:

SyndicateYear of AccountLatest forecast range %Previous forecast range %
17292016-12.5 to 2.5Unchanged
17292017-17.5 to -2.5N/A
SyndicateYear of AccountLatest forecast range %Previous forecast range %
25252016-11.5 to 1.0-14.0 to 1.0
25252017-12.5 to 2.5N/A
SyndicateYear of AccountLatest forecast range %Previous forecast range %
26892017-33.7 to -23.8N/A
SyndicateYear of AccountLatest forecast range %Previous forecast range %
424220160 to 10.0-2.5 to 7.5
42422017-33.6 to -23.6N/A

This does not take account of the February cash call of 31.72% on the 2017 year of account.

SyndicateYear of AccountLatest forecast range %Previous forecast range %
58862017-20 to -15N/A

This does not take account of the June cash call of 15% on the 2017 year of account.

SyndicateYear of AccountLatest forecast range %Previous forecast range %
61232016-25 to -10-25 to -10
61232017-46.4 to -36.4N/A

This does not take account of the February cash call of 37.31% on the 2017 year of account.

We should have the complete set of managing agents’ forecasts for syndicates supported by Hampden tomorrow.
